Monday, April 5, 2010

GOP health care talking points shredded.

Notice how every Republican on health care sounds exactly the same? Well here’s where they got their bull shit talking points from.

They sound like those lame dime a dozen hip hop groups that rap about nothing except for going to the club. we've been hearing the same stuff over and over forever and I'm amazed that there's still a huge population that has not gotten sick of it. (I'm speaking on both hip hop and the GOP on health care.)

- As the American people struggle to make ends meet, too many also live with the challenge of affording basic health care for themselves and their families. Any time a child or a parent goes without the care they need, it is a personal crisis for that family.

No shit?!? You guys are just starting to figure that out? You had a perfect chance to do something about this from 2000 to 2006 and you ignored the problem, thus have already turned your backs on so many Americans who are struggling against exactly what you’re now pretending to care about.

- Republicans want to make quality health care coverage affordable and accessible for every American, and let those who like their current health care coverage to keep it. Republicans support health care reform that puts patients and their health first, and protects the important doctor-patient relationship.

Then you would have been opposed to private sector bureaucrat getting in between a patient and their doctor a long time ago!!!

- Democrats are pushing for a government takeover of health care that would have devastating consequences for families and small businesses. A government takeover of health care will raise taxes, ration care, and let government bureaucrats make decisions that should be made by families and their doctors.

More of the same fear mongering from many of the exact same people that were screaming about WMD in Iraq, look at how wrong they were then. By doing nothing for another generation health care will continue to have devastating consequences for families, small businesses as well as several would be entrepreneurs that can’t start their own business due to the high cost of health care. The thing that truly makes capitalism great is entrepreneurship, not corporate greed and robber baron capitalism at the expense of many average Americans. The GOP is great champions of the later. I salute their consistent track record on this, however this is the total opposite of what America needs right now (or ever). Special interest bribe money has grown so much out of control, that it’s not a radical thing to say that this top heavy broken system is a domestic threat to America that’s destroying our nation from within!!! One reason why the scream that the other side is so un-patriotic, is to hide their very own lack of patriotsim.

- Republicans want to empower doctors and patients by making health care more affordable, more accessible, and more accountable. The American people deserve the peace of mind that comes with knowing they have the health care their families need, when they need it.

They’re in reactionary mode only when they problem got really bad and have no choice but to be forced to talk about this issue instead of running from it. Where was the GOP when the private health care sector got in between a patient and their doctor? The GOP had their chance to speak for the American people about this problem. They sat back and did nothing. What person in their right mind would trust them now to fix our health care problems after an awful track record of ignoring the problem?

- The Democrats' government-takeover of health care will deny access to medical care and life-saving treatments. More than 100 million Americans would lose their current health care under the Democrats' government-run plan.

How can you call it a government takeover when there’s no public option in the bill? Is the GOP hoping that their lemming followers are too ignorant to know that the public option has been dropped? And if government isn’t the one to curb the worst abuses of the health insurance industry, what is? More empty free market talk in the blind faith that health insurance CEO’s will decide to do the right thing of their own free will?

- Government mandates in health care already encourage waste, fraud and abuse that result in higher costs and more families without care.

If health care in the private sector worked so great, then how come we pay more than they do in these government run single payer nations? If the private sector in this area worked so great, then wouldn’t we be paying less in health care right now than they do in single payer nations? (BTW: The free market works good to great most of the time, but health care is not one of these examples.)

- We cannot allow politicians and special interests to stand between patients and the care they need. The American people deserve the freedom to choose the health care that is best for their families.

This is an excellent point for those of us that lost trust in the health insurance industry and want the choice of a public option. When it comes to health care I trust the government way more than corporate robber barons. Is this such an awufl thing to say?
I don't know much about this guy, but Alan Grayson who from what I can tell is a righteous progressive that the Democrat party needs more of. He made this point very well:

How can anyone think that the GOP really cares about the future of America after the dreadful Bush era, and their current obstructionism that's off the charts? If they spent 1/10th of the effort they're using to block health care reform on doing what's right for America, then we'd be a utopia by now. It's too bad they don't spend their time actually governing in behalf of the American people instead of being whores to robber barons.

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